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Where is Grandad Now?

Having first met whilst walking the Camino de Santiago in 2011, Grandads Peter Rice and Eugene O'Reilly will now take on their biggest challenge to date: cycling from Victoria, British Columbia, on the west coast of Canada to St. John's in Newfoundland on the east coast. From St. John's, it is closer to get to Ireland than back to Victoria in British Columbia!

Stage One of this epic journey is from Victoria to Ontaria and is approx 5,400km. The two grandads will be doing this leg starting in August 2015 and hope to complete it over two months. The second stage of the trip will be from Ontario to Newfoundland. This totals around 3,500km and both Grandads will tackle this in early 2016.

As always, Peter is taking on this challenge to raise Awareness & Early Detection of Melanoma & Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. Follow both Grandads here to see how they are progressing across Canada.

Grandads Peter & Eugene at Mont Saint-Michel
Grandads Eugene (left) and Peter (right) admire Mont Saint-Michel
on their cycle through France, going from Dublin to Santiago in 2012.